The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
-Mahatma Gandhi
Mentorship Programs

George Brown Mentorship Program
Each year we facilitate the opportunity for final year design students to have their thesis projects critiqued by industry professionals. By having mentors who are already active in the industry, students gain valuable coaching, insight and knowledge which can be used in completing their final year projects.
Environmental Initiatives

Livegreen Toronto
Living green is all about making smart choices about how you live, travel, shop, eat and play. Get all the rebates, advice, tips and how-to’s you need to green your life. OutReach offers discounts for all our online eco-friendly advertising for LiveGreen card members.
Advertising Grants

Dignitas International
Dignitas International works with local and national health institutions to increase access to HIV/AIDS-related prevention, treatment, care and support through ongoing training, support and direct service provision. OutReach provides aid with marketing grants and campaign management to grow Dignitas’ remarkable charity Google Grants campaigns.
Children’s Charities
As we continue to grow, we increase our support and grow our donation list of charitable causes. Our clients can always be reassured in knowing that their marketing dollars not only produce results for them, but also give back to their communities.
Please feel free to show your support by visiting any of their websites, and making a donation of your own.

Save The Children Canada
Save the Children Canada is a member of the world’s largest independent organization for children. They fight for children’s rights and deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives, worldwide.

Make-A-Wish Foundation
Research shows children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight a critical illness. Since 1983, Make-A-Wish Canada has granted over 36,000 wishes across the country, over 1,000 last year alone.